Professional Development
Based on almost 30 years of experience working to make schools safer, healthier and more respectful for LGBTQ youth, GLSEN has developed effective training tools that empower K-12 educators to ensure that all youth have access to meaningful educational experiences.
Focused on building adult allies in our nation’s schools and rooted in research-based training methods and adult learning principles, GLSEN Professional Development Trainings are integral to comprehensive approaches to ensuring safe and inclusive schools.
GLSEN research shows that the presence of supportive educators can have a significant positive impact on LGBTQ+ students’ academic achievement, as well as on their psychological well-being and longer-term educational aspirations.
GLSEN Professional Development Trainings aim to empower educators to be the allies that LGBTQ youth need.
GLSEN WA is working with school districts across the state to implement training programs to help educators learn how to make their schools safer for all students.
If you are interested in bringing GLSEN Washington to your school, district meeting, community organization, etc. please complete our trainig request form.
NOTE: For GLSEN Professional Development Workshops, the term “educator” includes, but is not limited to: Current or future K-12 Teachers, Administrators, Counselors, Paraprofessionals, Librarians, Nurses, Bus Drivers, District Staff, School Resource Officers, Cafeteria Workers, etc.

Intentional Inclusion Modules
GLSEN is now offering our new "Intentional Inclusion" module series with 4 Core modules. Each of these modules are 2 hours long can be done individually or collectively.
Module 1: Foundations: Shared Language and Analysis for LGBTQ+ Inclusion
Module 2: Eliminating Exclusion of LGBTQ+ People at School
Module 3: Proven Practices for LGBTQ+ Inclusion
Module 4: Embedding Equity: Action Planning for LGBTQ+ Inclusion
To request training for your school or community group, complete a request form at: GLSEN Training Request Form.