IN·clued Sexual Health

IN·clued Sexual Health Education
IN·clued is an LGBTQ+ centered, comprehensive sexual health curriculum designed by Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and Hawaiian Islands. It's a three-hour curriculum that can be taught all at once or in three, hour-long blocks. GLSEN Washington volunteers have been trained and would love to present to your group, or have students at a GLSEN hosted training.
IN·clued works with sex education adult facilitators, as well as teen peer educators, to:
• Empower LGBTQ+ youth with sexual health knowledge and skills;
• Give LGBTQ+ youth the tools to advocate for their sexual health; and
• Educate health centers directly to provide LGBTQ+ inclusive sexual healthcare. This program uplifts the voices of LGBTQ+ youth and takes a systems change approach to education by providing referrals to appropriate clinical services as well as LGBTQ+ centered sex education.
Currently, IN·clued is one of the only evidence-based sexual health education programs designed specifically to meet the needs of LGBTQ youth. IN·clued is a program that aims to lower teen pregnancy rates and STD rates among LGBTQ+ youth ages 14-19. The program combines LGBTQ+ youth-friendly health services with direct, relevant, and inclusive sex education — this combination has the outcome of youth seeking health services and getting birth control and testing on a more consistent basis. The program is grounded in the Health Belief Model theory of change and proven sexuality education best practices.
Request an IN*clued Session
We are excited to announce that GLSEN Washington is expanding our IN*clued sessions to offer custom, sliding-scale sessions to high school and college GSAs, as well as other organizations that would like to host us either remotely or in-person (contingent on location). The recommended fee of $250-500 for up to 50 participants will cover the costs of materials and travel for in-person workshops. You can fill out a request form on behalf of your student club or organization here or email us at for more information!
Seeking Peer Facilitators
Are you a high school student interested in helping to facilitate our IN·clued curriculum? Peer facilitators will receive facilitation instruction from GLSEN Washington and will commit to co-teaching at least one IN·clued session per year. You can apply to be a peer facilitator by filling out the form below. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at